I loved Kearsley's The Winter Sea. I was hoping for the same experience here, but it never came. Susanna Kearsley is a talented writer and her prose was wondrous but many times it caused the story to drag and sometimes I had to reread a passage to be certain of what the author was trying to tell me.
I never got lost in the story. In fact, even though I liked the characters and I did care about them, I didn't CARE. I mean, I wanted their archaeology dig to be as they wanted it to be, but in the long run, did it matter? It seemed little was at stake. Never did I get so involved that I read and read and lost myself in the plot or characters. I kept wanting the story to get where it was going, but I didn't know where it was going and I don't mean that in a good way where you're asking yourself, "What's going to happen next! I must find out." I mean it in this vein, "What is the point of all this?"
Well, it turns out The Shadowy Horses has a point and a clever climax. It's just that the whole plot is so subtle I had no idea danger was lurking. That may be a good thing for some or even many, but I would have liked a bigger hint that these people (or some of them) were in big trouble.
I gave this book 3 stars out of 5 on Goodreads and Amazon.